In today’s digital age, many families are finding it more challenging to stay active and connected. With the rise of screen time, both kids and adults often find themselves glued to devices, whether for work, school, or entertainment. This can lead to a lack of physical activity, which affects overall health and well-being. But what […]
This week at Boundless Martial Arts, we’re diving into an essential skill that defines champions, leaders, and achievers alike—mental toughness. Mental toughness is that unwavering strength to push forward no matter the obstacles. It’s what allows us to stay resilient when things get tough and to fail forward, learning and growing stronger each time. Let’s […]
Making Every Second Count: The Power of Time in Failing Forward In today’s lesson, we’re focusing on something that each of us has but often take for granted: time. Time is one of our most precious resources, and how we choose to spend it can shape our path to success. Every single one of us—whether […]
In today’s lesson, we’re focusing on a key ingredient in the recipe for success: failing forward and finding the right support to keep us going when challenges arise. Picture this: you’re facing a huge obstacle, something that seems impossible to overcome. You give it your all, but things don’t go as planned. At that moment, […]
In our huddle talks, we are diving into what separates true champions—those with a relentless drive and grit—from average people. It all comes down to one crucial factor: how we handle failure. Picture this: both a champion and an average person face a significant challenge in their lives. Maybe it’s a tough school project, a […]
This week at Boundless Martial Arts, we’re combining two powerful lessons: “Fail Forward” and emotional intelligence. Throughout the season, our young athletes have been learning that setbacks are a natural part of growth and that how we respond to failure matters even more than the failure itself. Now, we’re taking it a step further by […]
Learn from the old to know the new The Japanese have a saying “furuki o manabi te shinashiki o shiru”, which means to “learn from the old to know the new.” As the year comes to a close, it is a perfect time to reflect on the journey of the past twelve months. At Boundless, […]
As we wrap up our fourth week of the “Fail Forward” theme, we’re excited to share what this lesson has been all about for your kids. This week’s message is one of energy, determination, and the confidence that comes from turning setbacks into strength. Throughout this season, our young athletes have been learning that failure […]
At Boundless Martial Arts, we believe that every setback is an opportunity to grow, and this month, we’re focusing on our theme: “Fail Forward.” Today, we’re drawing inspiration from one of the greatest underdog stories in sports history—the story of Tom Brady. Most people know Tom Brady as one of the most successful quarterbacks in […]
At Boundless Martial Arts, we believe that learning from failure is one of the most important skills we can instill in our young athletes. This season, our theme is “Fail Forward”—a mindset that turns setbacks into stepping stones for success. To bring this idea to life, we’re sharing the inspiring story of someone whose failures […]